Funeral & Post Death Arrangements

Would You Like to Arrange a Pre-Paid Funeral?

Many people find it very comforting to know that they have arranged their funeral in advance of their death and have paid for this in advance.

By doing this, they know that the funeral will be carried in accordance with their wishes and also that there will be no financial stress involved for the families at such a difficult time.

If you do arrange a pre-paid funeral, you have the security of knowing that you have secured your funeral at today’s cost. This is very comforting as we know that funeral costs are rising far in excess of the annual rate of inflation. The risk with not doing this is that the budget your family think will be sufficient, may not be at all.

Please note that the amount paid under these plans usually covers the following:

  • Funeral Director’s fees and services
  • The coffin
  • A funeral hearse
  • Transfer of the deceased to he funeral home/ chapel of rest
  • The funeral procession
  • Family support and guidance

Please be aware that there may be third party costs which still need to be covered – these are the charges which are outside of the funeral director’s control and include cremation/ burial fees, doctor’s medical fees and minister’s fees.

There are different types of plans available and we can supply you with information upon request.

Please Contact Us for more information.

What To Do After A Death

To help your family with a general guide as to the immediate steps to be taken in the event of death:

  • Contact the family doctor and arrange for a Medical Certificate showing cause of death;
  • Contact the nearest relatives
  • Contact the deceased’s minister of religion if required
  • Register the Death at the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths in the district within which the Death occurs within 5 days of death. Make an appointment with the Registrar to do this;
  • Request several copies of the Death Certificate as copies will be needed for different people and it is cheaper to obtain copies at this point from the Registrar.
  • Find the Will and arrange the Funeral. There may be funeral wishes within the Will, so this should be checked.
  • Pay for the Funeral – check whether there is a pre-paid funeral plan.
  • Contact your Solicitor or Legal Representative to start the Probate process.

Please Contact Us if you require any further information or help with Probate.